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Tom Petty Has Died

Tom Petty Has Died.

October, 2 - 2017.

Due to a sudden cardiac arrest during the early hours of the morning, while staying in his Malibu residence, Tom Petty, charismatic leader of his band 'The Heartbreakers', has died. Announcement was published on the official website of the artist, at the hands of his manager, Tony Dimitriades.

Tom Petty, a native of Gainsville, Florida, was born in 1950. He began his record career as Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers, when the band exploded in the music scene in 1976, with the debut album of the same name. The song 'Breakdown', published as a single, entered the Top 40 in 1977. 

There are 22 albums recorded in his long career. In 2014 his last work with Heartbreakers, Hypnotic Eye.

As a soloist he only recorded three albums, respectively in 1989, 1994 and 2006.

Among his greatest achievements are 'Breakdown', 'Into the Great Wide Open', 'Learning to Fly', 'Free Fallin', 'I Will not Back Down', and many others.
