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One By One
Jimmy James & The VagabondsNow Is The Time1976
04:33Jack Radics No Matter
04:29Psychedelic Furs Love My Way
04:25Stevie Ray Vaughan Life Without You

We're Lookin' For Deejays

We're Lookin' For DeeJay '70

Are you a Deejay and you like to mix disco, funky & afro of the 70's? 

The Dance Of '80 & The House Music Of '90 ?

Would you like to listen to your performance in the world?

Contact Studioradio, you can go on air with your mix and become part of our team.

If you like Disco, Soul, Funk, Afro, the Electro, we are looking for you...

It is not important that you have experience, the important is your passion...

Studioradio, Music For A Great Passion!

For info: or

Whatsapp Number : +393396330800

All candidates will be subject to selection.

Selected candidates will have to sign the appropriate release.

Not returned demo material sent by mail or email.

The material sent and used for transmission will remain 'exclusive property' of the deejay, with possibility of re-use of the same inside radio programs in other times.

If you want to understand what we're looking for, you can listen Studioradio every Saturday Night  at 22:00 (CET), with WE CAN MIX.

