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05:37Deep Purple Child In Time
05:34The Commodores Still
05:32Brian Wilson Where Has Love Been

Archive Of Contemporary Music

Archive Of Contemporary Music, NYC - The World's Largest Archive.

It is headquartered in New York, and is a huge record collection nonprofit, an archive that provides freely to all information about popular music of all cultures and races, from 1950 until today. 

Since its founding in 1985, its heritage is grown to over 1 million sound recordings with 2 million photos, making the archive the most largest collection of music of the United States of America.

It is headquartered in New York , and is a huge record collection nonprofit , an archive that provides freely to all information about popular music of all cultures and races , from 1950 until today . Since its founding in 1985 , its heritage and ' grown to over 1 million sound recordings with 2 million photos , thus making' the store the most ' largest collection of music of the United States of America
